Romanian Poetry Around the World

Our book series,  Romanian Poetry Around the World , launched on July 1, 2024, brings to the English-speaking readers most important poets of the Romanian language. A very rich lyrical Universe is thus offered to the world, bringing fresh approaches, new philosophical and spiritual perspectives, new horizons for human mind and soul. Both well established classical authors as Mihai Eminescu, Ion Minulescu, George Topârceanu, Ion Barbu, Tudor Arghezi, Nichita Stănescu, Marin Sorescu, and new surprising lyrical voices, are currently being translated or considered for translation. 

Starting on 1 July 2024, the following titles are scheduled to be published:

The Legend of the Evening Star & Selected Poems & Prose by Mihai Eminescu

Bas-relief with Heroes   by Nichita Stănescu

Echoes  by Eva Constantinescu

Trilogy of Time  by Ana Săcrieru

The Gold Tear of Joy  by Veronica Stănei Macoveanu

White  by Anita Beloiu

The Shirts or The Barren Taste of Silk   by Florin Ciurumelea

The Letters from Heaven Arrive on Wednesday   by Florin Ciurumelea

Astral-White Blue  by Anita Beloiu

The Steps of Silence  by Letiția Oprișan

The Legend of the Point  by Nicolae Răzvan Mincu

Mornings with Insomnia  by Letiția Oprișan

The Shout from the Polar Star  by Letiția Oprișan

For the next volumes under preparation, we'll keep you posted.